An Adventure to Yiddishland, with Janie Respitz

Sunday, February 9, 1pm ET. ONLINE ONLY
Come explore the lost treasures of our rich Yiddish heritage and culture!

Power and the Abuse of Power: Timeless Wisdom from the Book of Exodus, with Rabbi Jonathan Kligler

6 Wednesdays, 1pm-2:30pm ET, IN PERSON AND ONLINE
We will be examining the Book of Exodus for insights and inspiration about the never-ending human conflict between the lure of tyranny and the call of justice.

Let There Be Light: The Seven Days of Creation

7 Thursdays, 1-2:30pm ET
Join Rabbi Karen for a seven-week exploration of each of these "days"

Meditation in Quaker Style

Alternate Tuesdays at 4pm. Next gathering February 11
We sit in silence and wait for insight about whatever arises. An opportunity to practice generous listening — to what is in our own hearts and to what other people wish to share.

Club Mah Jongg

Tuesdays, 11am-2pm. This group will meet in person.
A fun group game for seasoned players and newbies! Come with your MJ buddies or come alone. Coffee and tea will be provided. Please bring a snack!