WJC Community Seder … on Zoom!

Once again, we will gather from all corners of the earth and celebrate Passover together. Rabbi Jonathan will guide us through our Feast of Freedom, sharing a haggadah created for this moment and this occasion.
For the fullest seder experience, we recommend you plan on having matzah, the other ritual foods and a seder plate prepared for yourself, so that you can join in when it is time to bless and eat them. Also, you might want to prepare some dinner – when it is time to eat the meal, we will break into groups, and you can socialize while you eat. (The only thing you will not be able to do is try each other’s dishes!) You also might want to consider getting together with friends and/or family, and you can all tune in to our online seder and be physically together at the same time.
Hag Sameach!
We will be screen sharing the text, but if you prefer, you can download a copy HERE.