We are so happy that you have chosen to join our community!
To discuss membership dues, please contact Rahel
Membership Form
Become a member or renew your membership:
We’d love to welcome you to our kehillah (community). There are some nice advantages to becoming a dues-paying member of the WJC.
Planned Giving
Planned gifts help to ensure the strength of our community. A planned gift is one that is committed during a donor’s lifetime naming WJC as the beneficiary and can be in many forms, one of which is a bequest. By making a bequest to the Woodstock Jewish Congregation, your gift will sustain Jewish prayer, learning, and community in the years to come.
Planned gifts can offer donors significant tax benefits as part of estate planning and may also be structured to provide income to donors during their lifetimes. The Planned Giving program at WJC encourages and assists donor planned gifts to the synagogue by informing them about program needs, gift opportunities, and techniques of planned giving. Prospective donors are also urged to seek the advice of their own counsel in matters relating to planned gifts, taxes and estate planning.
If you would like more information on any of the below options, or to learn of others, please contact Executive Director, Rahel Gruenberg.
- Sample Language for Your Will
- Gifts That Pay Income to the Donor
- A Gift of Appreciated Stock
- A Charitable Gift Annuity
Purchase a Bookplate:
A wonderful opportunity to celebrate an occasion, commemorate an event, or remember a loved one. Bookplates will be placed in our Shabbat Prayer books.
ANNUAL GIVING Opportunities
Chai Circle
The Chai Circle contributes to the annual operating budget. You can join the Chai Circle by making an annual contribution of $1800.00 or more above your membership dues.
High Holy Day Appeal
This is our single largest fundraising event of the year, which allows us to welcome everyone into our tent. It is the time of year that we are reminded of how wonderful it is to come together as one community.