Spiritual Preparation for the New Year

It is Elul, the month of reflection and preparation for Rosh Hashanah. We will merge the teachings of Judaism with the wisdom of our own hearts as we realign with our clearest and best selves.

Weekday Elul Learning

Following the format of “A Shtickle Toyrah,” please join us for teachings that will help you prepare for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. We will sound the shofar every morning.

Yard Sale!

Bargain hunters will have a once-a-year opportunity to shop and buy from an enormous selection of men’s and women’s clothing and shoes; children’s clothing, books and toys; housewares; jewelry; art; collectibles; lighting; linen; hardware and much more.

Resources for Online Services

All WJC services are currently multi-access, allowing for both online and onsite participation. We invite you to follow along with our songs and prayers while attending services online and offer these online resources.

Shavuot Festival Celebration

For Shavuot, the festival of first fruits, join us to celebrate the holiday of the Time of the Giving of Our Torah.

Loosening the Knots: a Program about Israel and Palestine

As part of the WJC’s observance of Yom HaAtzma’ut, we will be holding a 3-part program to process our own opinions and feelings about Israel/Palestine, practice deeply listening to others, and learn from Elizabeth Caplun about her experience visiting Israel with the group Healing Across the Divides.

Yizkor Service

Join us for a meaningful Yizkor service, as is customary for the eighth day of Passover.

Gallery Lev Shalem Opening

The walls of the social hall will no longer be bare!
After 3 years, Gallery Lev Shalem will resume exhibitions.